Inground Stormwater Weir Oil Containment Structure with Automated Sluice Gate and Hydrocarbon Sensor

Stormwater Facility, Pond, and Basin Maintenance
Stormwater Facility, Pond, and Basin Inspections
➢ Erosion & Stormwater Control Permits
➢ Stormwater Facility Construction
➢ Stormwater Facility BMP Design
➢ Stormwater Facility Management Plans
➢ Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plans
➢ Trash Rack Installation
➢ Debris Barriers Installation
➢ Stormwater Basin Access Steps
➢ Stormwater Facility Access Roads, Paths, Stairways
➢ Erosion Control Plan Violation Remediations
➢ Annual Stormwater Facilty Inspections
➢ Atlanta Stormwater Facility Inspections
➢ Detention (Dry) Pond Inspections
➢ Retention (Wet) Pond Inspections
➢ Underground Detention Basin Inspections
➢ Underground Cistern Basin Drone Inspections
➢ Underground Detention Basin Drone Inspections
➢ Rainwater Harvesting Basin Inspections
➢ Infiltration Trench Inspections
➢ Stormwater Sampling
➢ Stormwater Dam Failure Investigations
Remtech's professional engineers and Level II Certified Design Professionals have over 30 years experience in erosion control and stormwater facility management, inspection, maintenance, design and construction.
The goal of stormwater management is to minimize negative impacts of stormwater, erosion, and pollution loadings associated with municipal and industrial developments on site and downstream parties. Stormwater facilities are required to be inspected and maintained to ensure structural integrity and prevent excessive ponding, undesirable vegetation, erosion and sediment deposition, ground stability, clogging of inlet or outlet structures, and deterioration of pipes.
Counties and cities place the responsibility on private residential developments (through Home Owners Associations) and industrial property owners to finance maintenance and operational costs associated with stormwater facilities when building permits are issued. Problems with private stormwater facilities become evident when mandated city annual inspections are conducted (such as those required by the City of Atlanta). As urban density and industrial sites expand the impermeable area and runoff volumes and velocities increase posing potential damage to stormwater management facilities.
One county has recently reported that it has over 400 stormwater facilities that are failing. An 150-acre watershed in this county drained through two historical farm ponds. Farm ponds are not designed for stormwater management but for lot specific use including fishing. Owners of a large ball-field complex dry detention basin was allowed to remain full of water for over a decade causing downstream ponds to have severe dam bank erosion and the residential pond dam to fail. Former lakefront properties now front a mud-hole, 14 ft eroded gullies through residential backyards and downstream flooding. A forensic root cause investigation by Remtech Engineers determined that this failure was due to the County installing larger culverts under roads to relieve upstream flooding and permitting developments that allowed stormwater to flow through two farm ponds. Improper maintenance of the private ball-field's stormwater facility also contributed to the dam failure. The county refused assistance to the private residential development's pond requiring owners to bear restoration costs.
How can this night mare be avoided? First, real estate agents should protect potential buyers from owning dams on ponds or stormwater facilities since maintenance, drownings, and injuries legally falls on them. Secondly, ponds need to be inspected and maintained at least annually to prevent or minimize catastrophic failures. Preventative measures that could have taken included installation of a concrete dam overflow structure, periodic removal of sediment deposits, and installation of a stormwater outfall.
Legal actions against responsibility parties can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and may not result in restitution. Private entities need to inspect and maintain stormwater facilities or obtain professional assistance from experienced companies like Remtech Engineers.
➢ Stormwater Facility Repair
➢ Stormwater Pretreatment Cleaning and Repair
➢ Stormwater Main Treatment Cleaning and Repair
➢ Stormwater Facility Sediment Removal
➢ Stormwater Pond Cleaning and Repair
➢ Detention Basin Cleaning and Repair
➢ Retention Basin Cleaning and Repair
➢ Storm Drain Cleaning and Repair
➢ Catch Basin Cleaning and Repair
➢ Infiltration Trench Cleaning and Repair
➢ Erosion and Sediment Control
➢ Inlet and Outlet Structure Cleaning and Repair
➢ Overflow Structure Repair
➢ Pond & Bank Erosion Repair
➢ Unclogging Storm Drains
➢ Stormwater Pond Bank Vegetation Cutting
➢ Brush Hog Mowing of Steep Pond Banks
➢ Vegetation Restoration
➢ Drainage Repairs
Stormwater Facility, Pond, & Basin Design & Construction
Stormwater Facility, Pond & Basin Due Diligence
Stormwater & Pollution Control Facilities
➢ Stormwater Hydrocarbon Sensor and Automated Closure
➢ Magnetic Storm Drain Covers
➢ Underground Stormwater Oil Containment Weir
➢ Stormwater Diversion to Oil Water Separator

Automated Detention Pond Hydrocarbon Sensing and Closing System on Riser Pipe Installed at Power Substation
Stormwater Facility Bank Overflow Causes Pond Failure
Stormwater Dam Overflow Erosion Causes Pond Failure
Renovated Stormwater Facility Complies with City Mandated Annual Inspection
Renovated Inlet to Stormwater Facility Complies with City Mandated Annual Inspection
Highrise Underground Water Harvesting Cistern Video Inspection Footage from Underwater Remtech Drone

Retention Pond Access Steps