Remtech principals have completed complex environmental projects for military bases and the aircraft industry since 1975 ranging from munition and POL remediations and treatment, decontamination of radioactive tanks for recycle to the Space Shuttle Program, to handling military yellow cake spills, emergency response to blasting caps, defueling emergency generators for cargo plane transport to Guam, and identification and remediation of unknowns.
Remtech is a vetted USCG OSRO contractor and Chemtrec Chemnet Contractor. Remtech's projects are managed by board certified engineers, scientists, and hazwoper trained professionals to maximize value added services to clients.
Environmental Services for Military & Aerospace
Remtech provides clients with: emergency contingency plans, prevention plans, and remediation programs with disaster response; emergency response; environmental remediation system design, construction, operation & maintenance; pollution prevention; industrial maintenance and cleaning services; and environmental/safety training.
✓ Environmental Remediation Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance
✓ Emergency Spill Response to Oils and Hazardous Materials
✓ Disaster Response to Fires, Explosions, and Natural Disasters
✓ Facility Response Plans and Response Deployment Contractor
✓ Biohazard Response & Mitigation
✓ Industrial Cleaning and Maintenance Services
✓ Combustible Dust Cleaning and Combustible Dust Hazard Assessments
✓ Facility Decontamination
✓ Environmental Assessments
✓ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
✓ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Systems
✓ Spill Prevention Plans
✓ Spill Prevention Systems
✓ Environmental, Health, and Safety Training
✓ Waste Management of Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste
✓ Identification and Remediation of Unknowns
Remtech principals have worked with a variety of government and private military and aerospace clients that include:
Government Clients
▸ Department of Defense
▸ City, County, and State Emergency Response Contractor
▸ General Services Administration
▸ National Transportation Safety Board
▸ State & Local Fire Marshals
▸ State Radiological Health Agencies
▸ U. S. Air Force & Air Force Reserves
▸ U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
▸ U. S. Department of Transportation
▸ U. S. EPA
▸ U. S. Marine Corps
▸ U.S. Navy
Private Clients
▸ Commercial Ground Transportation Supply Chain Suppliers
▸ Commercial Munitions Manufacturers
▸ International Airport Authorities
▸ Lockheed Martin
▸ Pandemics – Contractor for Ebola and other Pandemics
Aerospace/Aircraft Deicing Fluid Management
Preventing deicing fluids from entering stormwater drainage systems at air ports is an integral part of airport Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans. Remtech specializes in designing, operating, and maintaining pollution prevention and collection deicing systems for airports to comply with SWPPPs. Whether it be automated glycol diversion, containment, storage, treatment, or reprocessing systems, Remtech can assist clients with selecting the best solution for your facility
✓ Deicing Fluid Spill Response and Cleanup
✓ Deicing Fluid Runoff Containment
✓ Deicing Aircraft
✓ Deicing Fluid Collection and Treatment/Recycling
✓ Deicing Fluid Waste Management
Bioremediation Accelerator (HC-2000) Degradation of Glycol, Solvents, and Petroleum
Remtech’s proprietary biostimulation accelerator HC-2000 product is used to degrade residual soil contamination in and below grounding grids inside POL secondary containment structures and treatment of stormwater containing glycol. HC-2000 is a Green Sustainable Technology product.


Emergency Response to Blasting Caps Detonated in Transit

Defueling of Emergency Generators for Military Cargo Plane to Guam
Mercury Cleanup at Military Base Laboratory
HC-2000 Treatment of Jettisoned F-18 Auxiliary Fuel Tank at Military Landing Strip
HC-2000 Bench-Scale Degradation of Ethylene Glycol, Diesel Fuel, PCE, TCE, and PCBs

Diesel Fuel Cleanup at Military POL AST Installation
Bioremediation of Soils in and Below Cathodic and Grounding System at POL AST Tank with HC-2000

Groundwater Treatment System at AirForce Base Superfund Site