HC-2000 restores the environment by accelerating natural native systems (heterotrophic bacteria) to degrade petroleum and solvent based contaminants. HC-2000 removes toxic contaminants with minimal economic disruptions to business and generally cost less than other remedial technologies.
HC-2000 has been used successfully on over 400 sites during the past 20 years. HC-2000 is approved by Georgia & Florida for soil and groundwater cleanups. Other states and regulatory authorities typically rapidly approve HC-2000 on a case-by-case basis.
HC-2000 fuel and solvent biodegradation efficacy (degradation
efficiency) and lower toxicity surpasses commercial fertilizers,
Micro-blaze, Fuel Buster (F-500), BioSolve, and the majority of products on EPA’s National Contingency Plan List. HC2 is designed to work on inland freshwater applications and refined fuels and solvents that are not addressed by EPA’s NCP list of saltwater approved crude oil remediation and cleaning products.
Bioremediation Applications with HC-20000
• Soil, Railroad Ballast, Gravel Remediation at Power Plants,
Substations and AST Tank Farms
• Groundwater & Surfacewater Remediations
• Oil Sheen, Vapor & Odor Control
• Pavement Cleaning, Solids & Sludge Breakup
• Forrest Canopy & Vegetation Cleaning
• Wastewater Treatment Enhancement
• Tank Cleaning
• Spill Cleanups
Bioremediation Technical Publications
• HC-2000 Biodegradation & Cleaning Applications on Petroleum Hydrocarbon & Solvent Cleanups
• HC-2000 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Efficacy & Aquatic Toxicity Testing in Freshwater & Soil Environments
• HC-2000 Range Finding Aquatic Toxicities
• HC-2000 Biodegradation Curves
Cleaning Oil Stains from Asphalt with HC-2000 and Surface Washer

Removing Mineral Oil Sheens from Power Plant Detention Pond with HC-2000
Serving Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida
** CDFW-OSPR - Prohibited in California
(LC50’s < 10 mg/l)
Dec, 2016