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10,000 Environmental Remediations Since 1975
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Location: Middle Georgia
Client: Pre-Cast Manufacturer
Contract Amount: $45,000
A 22-acre precast concrete manufacturing property was sold to another party when it was discovered that USTs had not been removed. Remtech was engaged to investigate and remediate the problem and obtain a no further action letter from the State for the new property owners.
Two fiberglass composite steel tanks were discovered that were installed in 1991. Both tanks, pump island, and boiler feed line were removed and soil and groundwater monitoring wells were installed.
Free product thickness exceeding several inches was discovered in several of the wells. A slug test was run on MW-1 using Bouwer-Rice (Aqtesolv). The conductivity was determined to be 2.2102 x 10-4 ft/min (1.068 x 10-4 cm/sec).
Subsurface soils consisted of red and tan silty clays to tan and brown saprolites that extended to a maximum explored depth of 29 ft. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 20 ft BLS. Zone of influence tests confirmed connectivity distances to be 25 ft.
Two HC-2000 injection events into four wells followed by a water chase occurred over a two week period. Total fluids extraction was performed using Remtech’s JetVac dual phase vacuum extraction system.
Within a period of five weeks, free product thicknesses, BTEX, and PAHs concentrations were reduced below State limits and a no further action letter was issued by the State.
Remtech JetVac Dual Phase Vacuum Extraction System
HC-2000 Injection Operations
Solution Phase Analytes Reduced an
Average of 80% in
14 Days