A. Phase 1: Locate, Contain, and Monitor Mobile phase
B. Phase 2: Remove/Desorb Mobile Phase
Activation & Stability of HC-2000
HC-2000 has a shelf life that exceeds five (5) years (as long as it is stored in its concentrated state and at temperatures below 120oF). HC-2000 is activated when it is mixed with water according to the contaminated matrix and applicable dilution ratios. Diluted mixtures of HC-2000 have a shelf life of a couple of weeks and should be utilized as soon as possible after mixing with water.
Regulatory Approvals
Regulatory authorities frequently favor (and generally quickly approve) the acceleration of natural degradation processes with a Green Sustainable Technology as apposed to addition of foreign microbes or toxic materials into the environment. Stimulating natural biochemical processes reduces the possibility of toxic by-product formation and allows multiple native species (operating under a variety of environmental conditions) to reduce contaminates to minimum levels. When treatment is complete, native conditions are restored.
HC-2000 has been approved by Georgia, Florida, and other states for the treatment of soil and groundwater on a case -by-case basis. No specific approval is required for soil applications in Georgia. Georgia frequently only requires three (applications of HC-2000 to soil without performance sampling to complete a cleanup.
HC-2000 Benefits
HC-2000 is a Green Sustainable Technology. HC2 restores the environment by accelerating natural systems (heterotrophic bacteria) to degrade petroleum and solvent based contaminants. HC2 is non-toxic and removes toxic contaminants with minimal economic disruptions to business and generally cost less than other remedial technologies. When treatment is complete, native conditions are restored.
Other remedial technologies may leave residual contaminants that require additional treatment. These technologies include; pump and treat, soil venting and air sparging, and total fluids extraction. Why not use a technology that can finish the job?
Site remediation costs with HC-2000 typically range from $15 to $225/cy of contaminated media. Costs are site specific and are affected by the type and amount of contamination, local geology, volume of contaminated media, and contaminant location. HC-2000 performs best in formations where adequate communication and mass transfer are present or can be established.
HC-2000 is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and contains food quality ingredients. Accelerating the natural degradation process (Biostimulation) with HC-2000 is generally received favorably by regulatory authorities and the general public. Native heterotrophs are already acclimated and distributed in the environment. All that is required is to deliver HC-2000 to the degraders and provide adequate environmental conditions. When treatment is complete, native conditions are restored.
HC-2000 goes right to work by energizing native heterotrophs. Chemical oxidization with permanganate, peroxide, and ozone frequently oxidize materials other than target contaminants, i.e., a significant mass of reagents are wasted. Chemical oxidization and bioaugmentation may form toxic by-products that are not normally associated with cometabolic native biochemical reactions.
Oxygen and hydrogen release compounds singularly introduced generally rely on passive slow release mechanisms and depend on advection and dispersion to transport the reagent to the contaminant. Limiting nutrient deficiencies, enzymes, and co-factors are not addressed. Adsorbed and soil pore bound contaminates are only addressed by sufficient concentration gradients to draw reactants to contaminants. HC-2000 provides contaminant desorption with biosurfactants that is generally more effective than concentration gradients. Aggressive pulsed reagent injection (used with HC-2000) generally provides better mass transfer and mixing.
HC-2000 is easily assimilated by native bacteria without a lag time. Commercial fertilizers and synthetic surfactants may initially inhibit microbial degradation. Nutrient and carbon sources such as molasses, sugars, and vegetable oil need to be broken down further prior to assimilation by microbes. Organic nitrogen and proteins (contained in HC-2000) are a preferred source of nitrogen over nitrates, ammonia, and other compounds containing inorganic nitrogen.
- Monitor leachates and soil degradation targets (visual observation of stormwater runoff - no sheens), sample ballast fines and downgradient soil and leachate for total petroleum hydrocarbons. Supplemental water may be required to maintain moisture levels at 70% of field holding capacity.
- Apply HC-2000 per label instructions and adjust for site conditions.
- Repeat until regulatory limits, risk based closure, or until natural attenuation can reach regulatory limits.
- Remove/close leachate control systems.
- Close HC2 injection systems.
- Determine site access and available site service interruption time, ie, track time, business interruptions, environmental receptors, sensitive environments and structures, and cleanup and risk based targets
- Locate contamination and mobile phase pathways. Look for short circuits, i.e., sewers, swales, drains, backfill, utilities, streams using test pits, monitoring wells, geoprobe points
- If mobile phase present, install containment or free product migration monitoring system. Install leachate/migration control systems (straw bale filtration dams, collection trenches, pits, drainage tiles & sumps, or temporary detention pools). For track applications, instal leachate control near toe of ballast and/or in drainage swales. Apply HC-2000 followed by oxygen saturated water to increase penetration, moisture, and oxygen.
- Protect structural integrity of track, grounding, and cathodic systems - Do not disturb ballast below ties or within a 45% slope of tie edges.
- Monitor and contain free product movement.
C. Phase 3: Degradation Phase
- Remove mobile phase or saturated soil/solids hot spots and HC2 injection method and grid.
- Apply HC-2000 (followed by water chase to accelerate removal of mobile phase and assist with product desorption. Bound contaminates account for over 60% of contamination. Fuels may become mobile as they are desorbed and broken down into shorter hydrocarbon chains.
- Ballast Treatment – Apply HC-2000 topically followed by a water chase or through injection probes. Fouled ballast - mixing or agitation enhances HC2 delivery and treatment. Pressurized water (3,000 to 5,000 psi) or a cribbing bucket loosens ballast next to ties.
- Repeat HC-2000 applications until mobile phase dissipated.
- Hazardous Waste Land Treatment, Environmental Protection Agency, Solid Waste & Hazardous Waste Research Division, Cincinnati, Ohio, April,1983.
- McKinney, Ross, Microbiology for Sanitary Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,1962.
- Suthersan, Suthan S., Natural and Enhanced Remediation Systems, Lewis Publishers, 2002.
- Suthersan, Suthan S., Remediation Engineering, CRC net Base,1999.
- Ryckman, Mark D., et. al., Enzyme helps Remediate at Lightning Speed, Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Magazine, February - March 1997.
- Ryckman, Mark D., et.al., Cut Project Life Cycle Costs, Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Magazine, January - February 1996.
- Enhanced Bioremediation with HC-2000, Remtech Engineers News Letter, Vol. 6, December, 2002.
- HC-2000 Multi-Media Applications, Remtech Engineers News Letter, Vol. 9., November, 2004
- Remtech Engineers, Confidential Client Project Report Files,1997- 2016.
- Venosa, A., Literature Review on the Use of Commercial Bioremediation Agents for Cleanup of Oil-Contaminated Estuarine Environments, USEPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, July, 2004.
11. Cookson, John T., Bioremediation Engineering - Design & Application, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995.
12. Nikolopoullou, M., Kalogerakis, N., Enhanced Bioremediation of Crude Oil Utilizing Lipophilic Fertilizers Combined
with Biosurfactants and Molasses, Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 (2008) 1855-1861., Elsevier Ltd, 2008